Saturday, March 31, 2018

Gospel Movie "Break Through the Snare" - Why the Chinese Communist Party Persecutes The Church of Almighty God

     The Chinese Communist Party is a satanic regime that truly hates the truth and God. It knows that Almighty God is the only entity in the world that can express the truth. Almighty God is in the process of doing the salvation work of the last days. If the word of Almighty God is spread amongst the people, all those who love the truth will return to Almighty God.

Friday, March 30, 2018

"Red Re-Education at Home" (2) - What Kind of Plot Was Behind the Chinese Communist Party's Trial for the May 28 Zhaoyuan Case?

     After the May 28 Zhaoyuan incident in Shandong that shocked both China and the rest of the world, when the CCP brought the case to trial, the suspects involved were clear in their confessions that they were not members of The Church of Almighty God. However, the CCP still insisted on referring to them as people belonging to The Church of Almighty God. What was their motive? What kind of plot was hidden behind this case? 

Thursday, March 29, 2018

God's Word "How Can Man Who Has Defined God in His Conceptions Receive the Revelations of God?"

     Almighty God says, "God does not continue the same work. His work changes continuously, and he always does new works. For example, every day I speak new words to you and do new works on you. This is the work I do, which is mainly characterized by being 'new' and 'peculiar.' The word, 'God is ever unchanging, and God is God after all,' is absolutely true.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Gospel Movie "Honor and Dishonor" (1) - Reveal the Mystery of God's Name

     From "Jehovah" to "Jesus," and from "Jesus" to "Almighty God," why does God take different names in different ages? What's the significance of God's names? This film clip will show you the answer. 

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Gospel Movie "God's Name Has Changed?!" (3) - The Significance of God's Name

      Why does God take on different names in different ages? What is the significance of God's name in each age? This short video will help uncover this mystery for you.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Gospel Movie "God's Name Has Changed?!" (2) - Will God's Name Change?

Do you know the origin of God's name? Why did God's name change from "Jehovah" to "Jesus"? What does the "new name" in the prophecies of Revelation mean? This short video will show you the answers.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Gospel Movie "God's Name Has Changed?!" (5) - God's New Name—Almighty God

     If you accept the name of Almighty God, is this a betrayal of the Lord Jesus? By watching this short video, you will find that the prophecies of Revelation have already been fulfilled. "Almighty God" is the new name taken by the Lord during His second coming. Come quickly and follow the footsteps of the Lamb and attain God's salvation in the last days.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Friday, March 23, 2018

Thursday, March 22, 2018

What is the nature of the problem of man not knowing the significance of God’s name and not accepting God’s new name?

What is the nature of the problem of man not knowing the significance of God’s name and not accepting God’s new name?

Relevant Words of God:
In each period of time, God will begin new work, and in each period, there will be a new beginning among man. If man only abides by the truths that “Jehovah is God” and “Jesus is Christ,” which are truths that only apply to a single age, then man will never keep up with the work of the Holy Spirit, and will forever be incapable of gaining the work of the Holy Spirit.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Film Review-Finding a Harbor for the Soul: Understand the Moving Film Where Is My Home in 6 Minutes

Film Review-Finding a Harbor for the Soul: Understand the Moving Film Where Is My Home in 6 Minutes

This film was adapted from a Christian’s real-life experiences; this moving story is full of twists and turns and profoundly meaningful.
The director related this story by combining an overt storyline with a covert storyline, delving into a deeper understanding of “home.” In the overt storyline, tragedy befalls the protagonist Wenya—her parents divorce when she’s two years old and establish separate households.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

The Effects of the Work of God Incarnate

     The Lord Jesus has become flesh again to carry out the work of judging and purifying man, and He has achieved various results. Do you know that?

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Human Rights Expert Do Heeyoon: If Christians Are repatriated, Human Rights Groups Will Not Stand By

Human Rights Expert Do Heeyoon: If Christians Are repatriated, Human Rights Groups Will Not Stand By

On November 28, 2017, in response to concurrent public attacks and smears against The Church of Almighty God in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea, South Korean human rights expert Do Heeyoun and eight other non-governmental organizations jointly condemned the Chinese Communist government for its many years of brutal persecution against The Church of Almighty God, and expressed the view that the asylum applications of Christians of The Church of Almighty God should be recognized by their respective host nations.