Sunday, September 3, 2017

The Church of Almighty God | The Youth With No Regrets

Xiaowen    Chongqing City
The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Church,
The Youth With No Regrets
Love is a pure emotion, pure without a blemish. Use your heart, use your heart to love and feel and care. Love doesn’t set conditions or barriers or distance. … In love there’s no suspicion,no cunning, no deceit. Use your heart, use your heart to love and feel and care. In love there is no distance and nothing that’s not pure” (“Pure Love Without Blemish” in Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs).

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Being Reborn Through the Word of God

Wang Gang    Shandong Province
The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Salvation,
Being Reborn Through the Word of God
I am a farmer and because my family is poor, I always had to travel all over to find temporary jobs to earn money; I thought that I could make a good life for myself through my physical labor.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Tasting the Love of God in the Midst of Adversity

Chen Lu    Tonglu County, Zhejiang Province
The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Church,
Tasting the Love of God in the Midst of Adversity
I was born in the 1980s in a village—we had been a family of farmers for generations. I threw myself into my studies so that I could test into college and escape the village life of poverty and backwardness.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Tribulation Inspired My Love for God

Meng Yong    Shanxi Province
The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Salvation,
Tribulation Inspired My Love for God
I am by nature an honest person, which is why I have always been bullied by other people. As a result, I have tasted the coldness of the world of man and felt my life empty and without meaning. After I started believing in Almighty God, through the reading of God’s words and living the church life, I enjoyed an earnestness and joy in my heart I had never felt before.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Going Astray and Finding the Way

Xiaobing    Xuanzhou City, Anhui Province
That which you are enjoying today is the very thing which is ruining your future, whereas the pain you are suffering today is the very thing that is protecting you. You must be clearly aware of that so as to keep away from the hook of temptation and to avoid entering the dense fog that locks out the sun.” Every time I sing this song of God’s word “Enjoying Fleshly Comforts Will Ruin Your Future,” I think of time after time when I tested and betrayed God, and I feel both endless remorse and incredible gratitude.
The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Christians
Going Astray and Finding the Way

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

God Has Really Returned!

God Has Really Returned!

The Word Appears in the Flesh?! Flesh? Isn’t that a human being? The Word Appears in the Flesh? Isn’t that God speaking to us in the flesh? Put this way, is it that God has really returned?!

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Christians,
God Has Really Returned!
Under a starry, quiet and peaceful night sky, a group of Christians earnestly awaiting the return of the Savior sing and dance to cheerful music. When they hear the joyful news “God has returned” and “God has uttered new words”, they are surprised and excited. They think: “God has returned? He has already appeared?!” With curiosity and uncertainty, one after another, they step into the journey of seeking God’s new words. In their arduous seeking, some people are questioning while others simply accept it. Some people look on without comment, while others make suggestions and search for answers in the Bible—they look but in the end it is fruitless…. Just when they become discouraged, a witness brings them a copy of the Bible of the Age of Kingdom, and they are deeply attracted to the words in the book. What kind of book is this really? Have they actually found the new words that God has uttered in that book? Have they welcomed the appearance of God?
Recommendation:Know more of the Church of Almighty God

The Church of Almighty God | God’s Love Is Boundless

Li Qing    Shandong Province
The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Church,
God’s Love Is Boundless
I suffered many hardships in the world. My husband died a few years after we married, and since then, the family burden completely fell on me. I lived a hard life with my young child and was always cold-shouldered and bullied by others. Weak and helpless, I was in tears every day, feeling it so hard to live in the world…. Just when I was in depression and despair, a sister preached Almighty God’s end-time work to me. Almighty God says, “When you feel tired and when you slightly feel a sense of desolation of this world, do not feel perplexed and do not weep. Almighty God, the Watcher, is ready to embrace your coming at any time.” (from “The Sighs of the Almighty” in The Word Appears in the Flesh) When I read it, I felt very warm in my heart.

Monday, August 28, 2017

The Church of Almighty God | Almighty God Rescued Me from the Desperate Situations

Wang Cheng    Hebei Province
The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Church,
The Overcomers’ Testimonies
When I believed in Jesus, I was persecuted by the CCP government. It often obstructed and suppressed me on the “charge” of “believing in Jesus,” and asked the village cadres to go to my home at intervals to investigate me on believing in God. In 1998, I accepted Almighty God’s end-time work. Hearing the Creator’s personal utterance, I felt unspeakably excited. Under the encouragement of God’s love, I made a firm resolution: Whatever happens, I’ll follow Almighty God to the end. At that time, I was very active in attending meetings and preaching the gospel. Therefore, I caught the CCP government’s attention again. It persecuted me more severely, so that I couldn’t believe in God normally at home and had to leave home to perform duty.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

The Church of Almighty God | Awakening in the Tribulation of Persecution

Chaotuo    Henan Province
Since I was very young, my parents had often been publicly criticized on the stage, paraded through the streets, and so on because of believing in Jesus. I passed my childhood in the cold eyes and mockeries of the people in the village. In my childhood memories, the brothers and sisters who came to my home were all very kindhearted and genial. I never understood why such good people should be publicly criticized and paraded. In 2001, when I was twenty years old, my whole family accepted the end-time work of Almighty God. Later, I also personally experienced a nightmarish arrest and cruel tortures because of believing in God. Then I finally found the answer and solved the puzzle I had in my mind for years….
The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Church,
Awakening in the Tribulation of Persecution

Saturday, August 26, 2017

The Church of Almighty God | Experiencing the Tribulations, I Was Accompanied by God’s Love

Wang Yu    Henan Province
The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Christian,

My name is Wang Yu. I’m 76 years old. In 1978, I believed in the Lord Jesus because of illness. I received much grace during my believing. Because of that, I was very zealous in working for the Lord, giving messages and preaching the gospel everywhere and also hosting the brothers and sisters. Very soon, the believers in our church increased to over 2000.

Friday, August 25, 2017

The Church of Almighty God | Experiencing the Suffering of Persecution, I Know More Clearly What to Love or Hate

Gao Jun    Hebei Province
The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Gospel
The Overcomers’ Testimonies
My name is Gao Jun. I’m 52 years old. I’ve followed Almighty God for fourteen years. Before I believed in God, I did business in the world and was often busy giving dinners or sending gifts and socializing.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

The Church of Almighty God | The Supernaturalness and Greatness of God’s Life Power

Lin Ling    Shandong Province
The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Christian,
The Supernaturalness and Greatness of God’s Life Power
I was born in a poor peasant family. Because my family didn’t have power or influence, I was looked down upon and often bullied by others from my childhood. At such times, I felt especially aggrieved and distressed and expected from my heart that a savior could come to change my destiny.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

The Church of Almighty God | Experiencing the Cruel Persecution, I Believe in God More Firmly

Zhao Rui    Shanxi Province
The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Church,
The Overcomers’ Testimonies
My name is Zhao Rui. By God’s grace, our whole family followed the Lord Jesus in 1993. In 1996, I, sixteen years old, was attracted by the Lord Jesus’ love and began to work and preach. However, before long, I saw the bitterly disappointing scenes: The co-workers fought overtly and covertly, pushed others aside, and contended for power and interest.