Wednesday, January 31, 2018

It Is So Important to Change Our Viewpoints on Things

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Christian,
Read God's Word

9 It Is So Important to Change Our Viewpoints on Things

Xiaojie    Zhuanghe City, Liaoning Province
We have believed in God and followed God for many years, but even today our views and viewpoints on many things are still no different from the world’s and are not in harmony with God at all. For example, we think that those who do not steal or rob, who do good without letting anyone know, who take pleasure in helping others, or who do not oppose our believing in God, are good people.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Come Out of the Bible

      She is a preacher of a house church in China. She preached and shepherded the church whole-heartedly for the Lord. However, confronted with the gradual desolation of the church, she was burning with anxiety yet unable to do anything. When she was distressed and perplexed, she was fortunate to accept Almighty God’s gospel of the last days.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Pay Attention to Entering into the Truth Concerning the “Service in Harmonious Coordination”

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Christian,
Read God'sWord

8 Pay Attention to Entering into the Truth Concerning the “Service in Harmonious Coordination”

Xinyu    Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province
We all know that being able to serve in harmonious coordination is God’s requirement for us, but we seldom enter into it according to God’s requirement in our service in coordination. For example, in doing the work, we leaders just take charge of the work by ourselves and feel that our assistants do not play an important role. And when encountering some difficulties or handling some matters, we always try to find a solution ourselves and make the final decision ourselves.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | Various Kinds of Manifestations of a Crafty Person

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Christian,
Read God's Word

7 Various Kinds of Manifestations of a Crafty Person

Chengshi    Shenyang City, Liaoning Province
In God’s work of saving man, God has required us many times to be an honest person and not a crafty one. In the man’s fellowship attached to Christ’s Talks with Church Leaders and Workers, it is also said that a crafty person is a devilish person, who can hardly be saved, and that only by being an honest person can one be commended and accepted by God.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

One With the Truth Can Be Freed From Satan’s Corruption

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Pray to God,
Pray to God

6 One With the Truth Can Be Freed From Satan’s Corruption

Liu Yan    Wuhu City, Anhui Province
None of us who pursue the truth does not want to be delivered from satan’s corruption and affliction, and none is willing to be directed by the satanic nature and resist God. For most of us have tasted enough of the bitterness of living under the influence of darkness and being fooled and tortured half dead by satan, and we have also suffered a lot and been refined a lot for countless times of involuntarily disobeying and resisting God.

Friday, January 26, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | Ways to Know Our Nature

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Christian,
Read God's Word

5 Ways to Know Our Nature

Chen Mowen    Fuxin City, Liaoning Province
Now, we have all known that knowing ourselves is very important and is a prerequisite to the transformation of our disposition, and we have started to put effort into it. However, most of the time our knowledge of ourselves is only shallow and superficial, and no desired results have been achieved at all. So, up until now, we have not gained much transformation in our disposition.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Eastern Lightning | Know the Element of Maliciousness in Our Nature

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Christian,
Read God's Word

4 Know the Element of Maliciousness in Our Nature

Meng’en    Fuyang City, Anhui Province
In The man’s fellowship attached to Christ’s Talks with Church Leaders and Workers, it says: “For one to know the substance of his corruption, he has to dig out the poisonous root of his corruption and exert some effort to know it according to God’s word. In particular, he has to lay before God’s word all his malicious intents, arrogant ambitions, contemptible purposes, and extravagant desires, dissect them with the truth, and judge them according to God’s word.”

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Eastern Lightning | How to Resolve the Problem of Performing Duty Perfunctorily and Deceitfully

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,Christian,
Read God's Word

3 How to Resolve the Problem of Performing Duty Perfunctorily and Deceitfully

Ding Yu    Weifang City, Shandong Province
Most of us desire to be faithful to God in our duties to satisfy God, but in performing our duties, we often treat God perfunctorily and deceitfully and cheat God in spite of ourselves, and are always unable to exert all our strength to perform our duties faithfully. So, we have never achieved the desired results in our work, and our life entering is also hindered greatly.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Eastern Lightning | Resolving The Arrogant Nature Brooks No Delay

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Christian,
Pray to God

2 Resolving The Arrogant Nature Brooks No Delay

Yao Yixin    Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province
In the man’s fellowship attached to Christ’s Talks with Church Leaders and Workers, it says: “In pursuing the transformation of his disposition, one should pay attention to the problem of his arrogant nature, which is a hinge most easily neglected by him. If one has not gained the transformation of his arrogant nature, no matter how many doctrines he understands, it is useless, for this involves the matter of his life substance and the matter of whether he can be saved.

Monday, January 22, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | Rapture in Peril

      Zhao Zhigang is an elder at the Local Church in China. Like many Christians, his greatest hope as a believer in the Lord is to be raptured alive, meet the Lord and rule with Him. In 1999, after the church leader released the message, "In the year 2000 the Lord shall come again, and His believers will be raptured alive," he was even more excited and enthusiastic than before. Brimming with faith and confidence, he looked to the future with hope and expectation…. However, after the year 2000 came and went, his hope had been all for naught. An unprecedented crisis of faith emerged in his denomination, and he couldn't help but wonder whether or not he had chosen the right path.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | Frequent Liars Belong to Satan

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Christian,
Picture of the Church of Almighty God

1 Frequent Liars Belong to Satan

Ke Nan    Pingdingshan City, Henan Province
In the man’s fellowship attached to Christ’s Talks with Church Leaders and Workers, it is said: “All people, after being corrupted by satan, have become the ones who are full of lies. Corrupt human beings lie about everything, and even none of their words is not mixed with a lie. They have all become experts in telling lies and master-hands in making up lies. It is very difficult to decide which of their words is true and which is false.”

Saturday, January 20, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | God Exposes Man in Order to Perfect Man

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Christian,
Read God's Word

17 God Exposes Man in Order to Perfect Man

Liu Jie  Liu’an City, Anhui Province
In the course of performing our duty, we are often exposed by God because of not knowing ourselves. For example, some of us are exposed in position, some in money, some in emotion, some because of performing their duty perfunctorily and deceitfully, some because of being arrogant and self-conceited and testifying themselves, some because of being crooked and crafty and practicing deceit, some because of being selfish and being poor in humanity, and some because of being cowardly and having no will.

Friday, January 19, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | Mission of Love

       Li Mo believed in Jesus from childhood. When she was 16, she became a coworker of the house church and worked for the Lord zealously. However, the dissension in the church escalated and the believers’ faith and love became cold increasingly. The desolate scene made her fall into the distress and perplexity she had never had before. In 1999, she was fortunate to hear Almighty Gods gospel of the last days and finally met the Lord!

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Eastern Lightning | To Pursue to Be an Honest Person We Must First Know Our Crafty Nature

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Christian,
Read God's Word

16 To Pursue to Be an Honest Person We Must First Know Our Crafty Nature

Xiao Qiong  Jinan City, Shandong Province
After reading the two fellowships from the above “The Four Indices One Has to Grasp in Pursuing the Truth to Attain the Transformation of His Disposition” and “Only Being an Honest Person Is True Repentance,” most brothers and sisters feel that they have become much clearer about the truth concerning being an honest person, and they also feel that they have had ways to practice and enter into it. So they all begin to practice being an honest person.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | A Late Answer

       Tang Jie served the Lord zealously for nearly forty years and expected the return of the Lord Jesus eagerly all the time. Having given up her family and her career, she established many house meeting places. As the work of the Holy Spirit shifted, the church became desolate gradually. She tried every possible way to revive it, but in vain. During this process, God’s gospel of the last days came upon her church.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Eastern Lightning | Only If We Know God’s Work Can We Follow God to the End

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Christian,
Read God's Word

15 Only If We Know God’s Work Can We Follow God to the End

Xiaoli  Weihai City, Shandong Province
Now, some brothers and sisters, when encountering some environments of sufferings or painful trials, often utter these complaints: Why is it that we believe in God but what we encounter are all things painful to the flesh? It is said that God loves man, but where is God’s love?

Monday, January 15, 2018

Eastern Lightning | It Is Important to Know Ourselves but More Indispensable to Know God

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Pray,
Pray to God

14 It Is Important to Know Ourselves but More Indispensable to Know God

Li Jing  Huaibei City, Anhui Province
In our experience, we often fall into such a state as this: In the things we encounter, we only focus on knowing ourselves and dealing with our corruptions, with the result that even though we come to know that we are nothing and not worthy a penny, we still have no motivation to love God, and sometimes we even give ourselves up as hopeless and completely lose confidence in ourselves. The following are some examples.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | My Dream of the Heavenly Kingdom

       Ruiming is a pastor of a church in South Korea. As a devout follower of the Lord for many years, he has been keenly pursuing his faith and working for the Lord while waiting to be raised to the heavenly kingdom when the Lord returns. In recent years, he has been feeling very confused and powerless when seeing that The Church doesn't have the Holy Spirit's work and become increasingly desolate. That was when he heard about a sect by the name of the Eastern lightning emerging in China that witnesses the return of the Lord JesusAlmighty God, who is doing the judgment work in the last days by expressing The truth.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | The Mystery of Godliness: The Sequel

      Lin Bo'en is an old preacher who has believed in the Lord for many decades. Since accepting Almighty God, Christ of the last days, he was convicted, excluded, and expelled from the religious community by the pastors and elders, the antichrist forces. But even though Lin Bo'en was attacked, convicted, and framed, he did not shrink back in fear. Rather, his faith became more resolute than ever, and this led him to finally understand that the pastors and elders of the religious world were faking a virtuous appearance. At the same time, he came to know that only Christ is The truth, the way, and the life, and only Christ can save and purify and perfect man.

Friday, January 12, 2018

Eastern Lightning | It Is Most Important to Pursue to Know God

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Christian,
Read God's Word

13 It Is Most Important to Pursue to Know God

Meiyu  Benxi City, Liaoning Province
Whenever the subject of knowing God is mentioned, some people will say, “When I believe in God, I will just believe in God, and I will do whatever God asks me to do and do it just as God requires me. Then won’t I satisfy God? Besides, in my daily life I will pay attention to examining what corruptions I have expressed, and when I find any, I will pay attention to having it transformed.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Eastern Lightning | Only Those Who Pursue to Know God and Satisfy God Can Bear Testimony for God

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Christian,
Picture of the Church of Almighty God

12 Only Those Who Pursue to Know God and Satisfy God Can Bear Testimony for God

Xiyue  Jinan City, Shandong Province
Although at present, we all say that since we believe in God, we should live for the truth and for satisfying God and testifying God, and we are also all eager to bear a strong and resounding testimony for God in the future great trials, nevertheless, we do not pay attention to our practice and entering in in the real life.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | Caught the Last Train

      Chen Peng was a pastor in a house church. He had burden for the church work, and ministered to the believers year after year. But in recent years, the church became overwhelmingly desolate. More and more believers became passive, weak, and no longer attended the church services. Meanwhile, Pastor Chen felt dry in spirit and had nothing to preach…. He tried many ways to revive the church, but all his efforts ended up in vain…. By chance, he heard Almighty God’s gospel of the last days. After an intense debate, he finally found the cause why the church became desolate—God has been incarnated and does a new work. Almighty God is the returned Lord Jesus. Only those who follow the Lamb’s footsteps can get the watering and supply of the living water of life. 

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Eastern Lightning | Only Possessing the Reality of the Truth Means Having Gained the Truth

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning, Christian,
Read God's Word

11 Only Possessing the Reality of the Truth Means Having Gained the Truth

Xiao Liu  Hefei City, Anhui Province
It is only right for people to pursue to gain the truth when believing in God, but to truly gain the truth is not so easy a matter. Some think that they have gained the truth because they can preach some messages and resolve some difficulties of the brothers and sisters. Some think that they have gained the truth because they can receive some revelation and enlightenment when reading God’s word and have gained some knowledge of the truths of a certain aspect.

Monday, January 8, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | The Mystery of Godliness: The Seque

        Lin Bo'en is an old preacher who has believed in the Lord for many decades. Since accepting Almighty God, Christ of the last days, he was convicted, excluded, and expelled from the religious community by the pastors and elders, the antichrist forces. But even though Lin Bo'en was attacked, convicted, and framed, he did not shrink back in fear. Rather, his faith became more resolute than ever, and this led him to finally understand that the pastors and elders of the religious world were faking a virtuous appearance. At the same time, he came to know that only Christ is the truth, the way, and the life, and only Christ can save and purify and perfect man.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Eastern Lightning | Whoever Doubts God’s Word Will Be Eliminated

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Christian,
Read God's Word

10 Whoever Doubts God’s Word Will Be Eliminated

Heyi  Zhuanghe City, Liaoning Province
In words and in doctrine, we all acknowledge that God is faithful and whatever he says will be fulfilled, but many times we do not truly believe God’s word from the bottom of our heart and even often deny it in our practical experience. For example, God says: “Nothing is too difficult for me.” However, when we encounter some difficulties or when we achieve no results in the gospel work, we no longer believe this word but think that the practical difficulties are there and that even if we rely on God, we will not be able to resolve the problems or achieve the results.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | Where Is My Home

Wenya's parents separated when she was two, and after that she lived with her father and stepmother. Her stepmother couldn't stand her and was always arguing with her father. He had little choice—he had to send Wenya to her mother's house, but her mother was fully focused on running her business and didn't have any time to take care of Wenya, so she was often shuttled off to her relatives' and friends' homes to be fostered.

Friday, January 5, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | The Significance of God's Two Incarnations

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Jesus,
Picture of the Church of Almighty God

A Hymn of God's Words
The Significance of God's Two Incarnations

God began His work of salvation in the Age of Grace, after the end of the Age of Law. The first incarnation redeemed man from sin through the flesh of Jesus Christ. He saved man from the cross, but man's satanic dispositions lingered on. In the last of days, God judges to purify mankind. It's only when this is done will He end His work of salvation and enter into rest.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | A Brief Talk on “What Having Reality Is”

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Christian,
Read God's Word

9 A Brief Talk on “What Having Reality Is”

Si’en  Fuxin City, Liaoning Province
Many times God has required us to be a person who has reality. Then, what are the manifestations of “having reality”? Some leaders or workers think that they have reality because they have meetings with the brothers and sisters every day fellowshipping about the truth and have resolved many of their passive states and many difficulties in the church.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Eastern Lightning | Remove the Place for Man from Our Heart and Let It Be Occupied by God

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning, Christian,
Read God's Word

8 Remove the Place for Man from Our Heart and Let It Be Occupied by God

Bai Jie  Liaoyang City, Liaoning Province
At present, in many of us there exists a state of looking up to man and adoring our leaders. For example, we exert ourselves and are conscientious in performing our duties, because we do not want our leaders to worry about us, because we want our leaders to receive fewer dealings, or because we want to win honor for our leaders. No matter what we do, we do it for our leaders, for our leaders’ good.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | The Mystery of Godliness

        Lin Bo'en was an elder at a house church in China. During all his years as a believer, he felt honored to suffer for the Lord, and valued the knowledge and attainment of the Lord Jesus Christ above anything else in the world. One fateful day, he went out to preach and heard some shocking news: The Lord Jesus has returned in the flesh, and He is Christ of the last days—Almighty God!

Monday, January 1, 2018

Eastern Lightning | He Who Has True Faith Receives God's Blessings

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,Praise God,
Picture of the Church of Almighty God

The Hymn of God's Word
He Who Has True Faith Receives God's Blessings

When Moses struck the rock and water sprang forth, a gift from Jehovah, it was by faith. When David played music to praise Jehovah, his heart full of joy, it was by faith. When Job lost his flocks and all his possessions, and was covered in boils, it was by faith. And when he could still hear Jehovah's voice, and still perceive His glory, it was by faith. It was by faith, by faith. It was by faith and nothing else, just simply faith! It was by faith, by faith. It was by faith and nothing else, just simply faith!